What are micro-behaviours and how do they impact inclusive cultures?

Caroline Arnold is an experienced DEI Consultant and coach, with a specialism in supporting large businesses and Fortune 500 companies to overcome their diversity and inclusion challenges. Working across multiple industries Caroline has partnered with organisations such as The Walt Disney Company, Sky, Dyson, British Land, NHS East of England and Smurfit Kappa.
You’ve probably heard of the term ‘micro-behaviors’, maybe in the same context as unconscious bias – but what does it mean? And more importantly, what kind of impact can it have on the creation of inclusive cultures in the workplace?
Becoming aware of microaggressions, how to identify them and respond is a journey. We all need to challenge our own biases and evolve, appreciating that creating an inclusive culture takes time and effort.
Conversely, what are micro-affirmations and can managers and leaders put these into practice and help build employee motivation and wellbeing?
- What are micro-behaviours or micro-actions?
- Examples of micro-behaviours at work
- How do micro-behaviors impact inclusion in the workplace?
- The impact of micro-behaviors on team performance
What are micro-behaviours or micro-actions?
Micro-behaviours or micro-actions are tiny, often unconscious gestures, facial expressions, postures, words and tone of voice that can influence how included (or not included) the people around us feel.
The term ‘micro-behaviours’ was coined by psychologist Mary Rowe in the early 1970s. It relates to the concept of micro-inequities or micro-aggressions, which refer to the ways in which individuals may be singled out, overlooked or ignored based on an unchangeable characteristic such as race or gender. In a 10-minute conversation, there might be 50 micro-messages transmitted between two people; psychologists call these positive and negative micro-behaviors.
Micro-behaviours are
- Verbal and non-verbal
- Very subtle
- Habitual
- Usually unconscious
- Influenced by our biases
Examples of micro-behaviours in the workplace
Examples of negative micro-behaviours or micro-actions include:
- Being dismissive of people more junior, e.g. “I didn’t have time to read that email”
- Not thanking people
- Using nicknames for some people, and not for others
- Consistently mispronouncing non-western names
- Interrupting a person mid-sentence
- Rolling your eyes
- Being consistently late to a meeting
- Texting during meetings
Micro-aggressions are often targeted at traditionally marginalized groups, including racial micro-aggressions – see our post on racial microaggressions, definitions & actions. Speak up to challenge stereotypes and be an ally at work to those who are experiencing prejudice, harassment, or discrimination. Demonstrating respect and dignity at work is a cornerstone of creating an inclusive culture.
On a positive note, there are many micro-affirmations that can help build a feeling of inclusion in a company. Research by Deloitte Australia suggests that when employees feel included there is a significant uplift in innovation, team collaboration, and responsiveness to changing customer needs.
Examples of micro-affirmations or positive micro-actions include:
- Paying attention to someone talking
- Letting someone finish their sentence
- Giving eye contact
- Demonstrating positive body language and facial expressions
- Calling out interruptions and asking the person who was speaking to continue
- Mentioning the achievements of all of those involved in a piece of work
- Putting your phone away during a meeting
- Remembering names and information
How do micro-behaviours impact inclusion in the workplace?
More and more organizations are striving to create inclusive cultures in the workplace to help improve employee engagement, career progression and overall performance, both on an individual level but also companywide. But there are some areas particularly hard to tackle because, much like unconscious bias, we are not aware of them.
A quick glance at the clock during a conversation. Checking your phone during a meeting. Implying you are busier than everyone else. These micro-actions can reveal a lot about what you’re thinking and can send powerful messages to the people around you.
But it can often be hard to identify micro-behaviors. And when the targets do recognize these micro-behaviors, it can be difficult to explain why these ‘little’ actions can result in big problems. Since these behaviours are ‘micro’, they are often labelled as insignificant.
Yet, micro-behaviors can have a significant impact on the level of inclusion and value we feel in the workplace. It can impact our motivation to be engaged with those around us and with our work, thereby building or destroying a productive employee experience.
The impact of micro-behaviours on team performance
Inclusive cultures and inclusive leadership go hand-in-hand. When senior leaders role model inclusive behaviour this can positively impact company cultures to become more inclusive, perform better, increase innovation, and attract diverse talent. See our guides on how to build diverse and inclusive cultures and inclusive leadership to learn more.
The next time that you are in a meeting ask everyone to put their phones away and actively listen to all the ideas contributed.
Near the end of the meeting, rather than simply asking “any other business”, go around the table and say everyone’s name and ask them individually if there is anything else they would like to contribute or alternatively if they’d prefer to share their comments via email. This creates the space for everyone to feel that their ideas and thoughts are valued, without feeling pressure to divulge anything on the spot.
At EW Group, we specialize in the development of inclusive cultures through cross-cultural training. Get in touch to find out more from our friendly team.