Adisa Djan is an equality and diversity practitioner and trainer with over 20 years’ experience working extensively with public, private and voluntary sector organizations.
After working in penal reform and racial equality, Adisa spent nine years as a Connexions senior manager. He was one of only a handful of senior managers with an Equalities and Diversity portfolio amongst the 42 Connexions Partnerships across the country. Adisa has also worked as an Equality and Diversity Consultant and a Manager for Nottingham City Council, leading it to a top 100 Stonewall Workplace Index status.
He has had extensive training experience delivering to frontline, middle and senior managers within a variety of public, private and voluntary sector organizations including the Fire Service, Police, Health, neighborhood development, retail etc. Delivery has included cultural diversity, unconscious bias, disability awareness, race awareness, dignity at work, inclusive management, equality impact assessment and challenging discrimination.
Additionally, Adisa has developed training needs analyses and programs to support workforce under-representation including mentoring, coaching, leadership and talent development.
Adisa has delivered training for clients including the BBC, UK Parliament, Oxford University, King’s College, Wikimedia, BMJ, The Health Foundation, The Royal Society, V&A, L&Q, Evolve, Southwark Council, Hampton School, Musician’s Union, Warner Bros Television, Sage Publishing, Smith & Williamson, STV and many more.