Underscore the importance of your under-represented staff groups
Many workplaces are already on board with creating networks and employee resource groups (ERGs) focused on diverse employee groups. However well-intentioned, it’s important that these workplace initiatives are executed carefully and sensitively. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that these networks are supported and gain the traction they need. In turn, they can provide a much-needed boost in confidence and a sense of inclusion among staff who may once have felt overlooked or underserved. Senior buy-in is essential and will help to demonstrate the company’s commitment to DEI.
Increased Innovation
Companies with higher-than-average diversity had 19% higher innovation revenues
Feedback Deficit
29% of staff feel it is never acceptable to speak about experiences of racial bias at work
Against tokenism
Maximise the potential of your internal staff networks and ERGs
In our experience, members of these groups often feel like they alone carry the responsibility for finding the solutions to an organisation’s poor diversity performance. Or worse still, these networks are seen as a token effort to give diverse voices some airtime, without ever really carrying any clout. We support these groups—and the businesses behind them—to avoid these pitfalls and press for sustained change.
The people who experience disadvantage in your workplace, whether subtle or blatant, shouldn’t be responsible for fixing the system. Instead, we’ll work with you to make sure these valuable networks are clearly defined and adequately resourced. We’ll also help secure the backing of a senior sponsor who can act as a very visible ally and ensure their voices are heard on high.

Energise your ERGs
Get full-scale ERG support – from planning stage to first-session facilitation
We believe the most effective staff networks are grounded in four core areas: data, goals, structure and communications. Here’s how we can support your emerging or existing ERGs to gain a proper, valued foothold in your organizational culture:
- Conducting desk research and on-site data gathering to determine which type of networks you need to support a more inclusive culture
- Reviewing any existing networks by speaking confidentially to members about what is and isn’t working, and whether intersectionality is being considered
- Speaking confidentially to diverse groups about what they would like their network to achieve
- Creating a structure for each network (including remit, agenda, sponsorship, budget, length/frequency of meetings, terms of reference, success metrics)
- Gauging how helpful a ‘network of networks’ would be in bringing together a range of minority voices into one forum
- Creating internal communications about the networks, including invites to join and a clear, inclusive selection/election process
- Providing specialist facilitation of your early network meetings so they’re best equipped to make progress