Spark measurable change with our most in-depth diversity data analytics and action-planning tools
We’ve been auditing progress on equality, diversity and inclusion for the past 30 years. With a dedicated team of diversity auditors, we’re well equipped to support your EDI efforts and drive smart decision-making with clear, measurable outcomes. With our practical, data-driven approach, you’ll benefit from crystal-clear reporting and compelling action plans that won’t languish in a desk drawer.
An EW Group diversity audit provides a comprehensive, in-depth review of EDI practice across your entire organisation. Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods, we’ll produce a detailed report and a suite of tailored, practical recommendations—from short-term quick wins to longer-term aspirations. Although we apply the same audit framework to each organisation, you can decide to tailor our approach to emphasise a particular EDI theme or themes, in line with your most pressing business needs.
For businesses seeking an ongoing, longer-term commitment to developing a diverse and inclusive culture, we also offer a gold-standard diversity accreditation in the form of our Diversity Development Standard. With this certified version of our diversity audits, externally validated by our Awarding Panel, we’ll review your progress against the Diversity Development Standard every two years, ensuring tangible, accountable progress towards your EDI goals.
Our diversity audit and accreditation services
International Inclusivity
Around 15% of employees worldwide do not feel included in their workplaces (in Japan, it's 35%)
Exceeding Targets
Organisations with inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed their financial targets

Which of our diversity audit services is right for your business?
All our diversity audit, analysis and diagnostic work includes practical advice for next steps, from low-cost quick wins for the short term to longer-term strategic priorities. Together, our suggestions will empower you to:
- Clarify your business priorities around EDI
- Engage more effectively with your staff
- Keep your internal and external communications on-point
- Position your organisation as an EDI-first employer and service provider
- Set out (and stick to) key objectives, timescales and milestones
Diversity Audit & Accreditation FAQs
Why are diversity audits and accreditation important for businesses?
Diversity audits help businesses to craft better strategies and make better decisions regarding diversity and inclusion. Creating an equal working environment has a number of business benefits, including increased productivity, innovation and staff retention.
What is the difference between diversity audits and diagnostics?
Our auditing process is an in-depth review of your diversity and inclusion processes, procedures and culture. This provides qualitative and quantitative insights and helps to identity your business challenges and strengths.
In contrast, our diversity diagnostics service works with pre-identified challenges or barriers. We apply a DEI review on a specific function or workstream within your organisation, combining data analysis and staff experiences to provide practical actions to overcome the identified challenges and barriers.
Why choose EW Group as your diversity audit consultant?
We have more than 30 years of experience auditing progress on equality, diversity and inclusion. With our practical, data-driven approach, our dedicated team of diversity auditors are able to provide strategies that support and drive your EDI efforts.