On-demand webinar recording

With around 15-20% of the population estimated to be neurodivergent, awareness around neurodiversity in the workplace and its business benefits are growing. But how can organisations create a truly inclusive workplace for neurodiverse employees?

In this webinar, EW Group Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, Zara Sloane, and PhD Researcher, Mercy Brown, discuss how organisations can create a neuro-inclusive workplace where everyone can do their best work. From recruitment and disclosure through to policies, working practices and the office environment, they explore how to adapt the workplace status quo to take into account individual’s differing needs and allow neurodiverse employees to thrive.

Sharing practical tips, Mercy and Zara also discuss intersectionality and how neurodivergent conditions present differently across different individuals and cultures. With diagnoses on the rise, we consider how this affects the diagnosis process and the impact of delayed diagnosis on individuals.

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